Unsung Heroes | History Corner | Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Ministry of Culture, Government of India

Unsung Heroes Detail

Paying tribute to India’s freedom fighters

Vishnu Waman Nene

Satara, Maharashtra

May 22, 2023 to May 22, 2024

Vishnu Waman Nene was a prominent Congress leader from Karad, Maharashtra, who played a significant role in the Indian freedom struggle. Nene's active participation in the Civil Disobedience Movement was a testament to his unwavering commitment to the cause of Indian independence.

In 1930, Nene was arrested for his leadership of a forest agitation during the Civil Disobedience Movement. This movement aimed to challenge the authority of the British colonial government and to demand self-rule for India. Nene's involvement in this movement was a demonstration of his unwavering commitment to the cause of Indian independence. In March 1932, Nene made an anti-government speech in Akola, which led to his prosecution by the colonial authorities. This speech was an act of defiance against the oppressive British colonial government, and it served as a rallying cry for the Indian people to continue their struggle for freedom.

Vishnu Waman Nene, a Congress leader from Karad, Maharashtra, actively engaged in the Civil Disobedience Movement, demonstrating his commitment to the cause of Indian independence through protests and speeches against the British colonial government. His involvement in forest agitation and anti-government speeches showcased his dedication to the freedom struggle.
