Ayushman Bhav Champ was held at the Tehsil office Majalta where NCD checkup was also done by the health team in block Majalta. Ayushman Bhav’ initiative is envisaged to saturate all health care services in every village/ town in line with the commitment of Hon’ble Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi ji to ensure reach to the last mile and enable access to health care services to everyone in the society. ‘Ayushman Bhav’ initiative involves a set of interventions that include ‘Ayushman - Apke Dwar 3.0’, ‘Ayushman Sabhas’, ‘Ayushman Melas- at Health and Wellness level and Medical Camps by Medical Colleges at CHCs’, and eventually ensuring Gram/ Nagar Panchayat or Urban Ward to attain the status of ‘Ayushman Panchayat’ or ‘Ayushman Urban Ward’ in a saturation mode.